BIS QCO for the Air Cooler and Air Filters (Air Filters for general ventilation - Technical specifications requirements and classification system based upon particulate matter efficiency (ePM))


Dear Reader,

Important update regarding Indian Standard applicable to all existing Licence holders/ New applicants/ manufacturers/ importers/ product sellers for the Air Cooler and Air Filters (Air Filters for general ventilation - Technical specifications requirements and classification system based upon particulate matter efficiency (ePM)) (Quality Control) Order, 2024.

BIS QCO for the Air Cooler and Air Filters (Air Filters for general ventilation - Technical specifications requirements and classification system based upon particulate matter efficiency (ePM))


According to the order, all goods or articles related to Air Coolers and Air Filters must adhere to the corresponding Indian Standard 17570 (Part 1): 2021 ISO 16890-2: 2016 for Air Filters for general ventilation - Technical specifications requirements and classification system based upon particulate matter efficiency (ePM). These products must bear the Standard Mark and obtain a license from the Bureau of Indian Standards, as per Scheme-1 of Schedule-II to the Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018.

The small and micro enterprises, as defined under the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (Act No. 27 of 2006), shall adhere to the specified Indian Standards from the date indicated.

However, this Order does not apply to goods or articles manufactured domestically for export.

Additionally, this Order shall not apply to goods or articles manufactured by enterprises registered under the "Udyam Portal" of the Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, provided that the investment in plant and machinery or equipment does not exceed twenty-five lakh rupees, and the turnover for the previous financial year does not exceed two crore rupees, as certified by a Chartered Accountant.

Furthermore, this Order does not apply to the import of up to two hundred units of goods or articles for research and development purposes by manufacturers of air coolers and air filters per year, under the condition that these items are not sold commercially and are disposed of as scrap.

Manufacturers must maintain a year-wise record of such imports and submit it to the Central Government.

Finally, this Order shall not apply to goods or articles domestically manufactured or imported before the commencement date of this Order, provided that the manufacturer is certified by the Bureau or has applied for certification.Such manufacturers are permitted to sell, display, or offer for sale their existing stock until 31st October 2025, subject to a declaration to the Bureau confirming this status.

Title Issue Date View Order
QCO order 05/03/2024 View
Extension order 30/01/2025 View

The Bureau of Indian Standards is designated as the certifying and enforcing authority for Air Cooler and Air Filters products covered under this Order.


Any individual found contravening the provisions of this order will face penalties as per the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016.

Implementation Authority : Bureau of Indian Standards (Govt. of India)

Implementation Dates: For (general): 1st April, 2025
For (micro enterprises): 1st October, 2025
For (small enterprises): 1st July, 2025

For any queries on this update, write us at or Call +91 9990136656

For more details visit: Aleph INDIA

Attachment: Standard Amendment Order issued by Bureau of Indian Standards

Disclaimer: The information provided in this update is intended for informational purposes only. Readers are requested to seek formal legal advice prior to acting upon any of the information provided herein.

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