4466 | 10 min | 25 Sep 2024

In today's modern world, Inspection and monitoring of manufacturing plants and product plays a vital role in the development of the business. A third-party inspection service means that inspection and monitoring services are provided by a well-qualified company. The first and most important phase is inspection, carried out by the makers themselves. They may also appoint a Third Party Inspection Company to guarantee that the manufacturing process and unit meet the needed international standard and that the product created meets the quality standard.

The main benefit of third-party inspection is that it is completely neutral on both sides; manufacturers may get a clear image of where their present project stands with the help of this inspection.

As ALEPH INDIA is ISO 9001 - certified company with appropriate practice, trained and specialized team on all products covered by BIS under product certification offers inspection services as a Third-party Inspection service provider for carrying out the audit at plant site as well as at manufacturing plant and provide the expert solution to every lacking part of manufacturers.

Types of Inspection

Inspection is mainly of three types as follows

  1. First Party Inspection - First party inspection is performed by the manufacture themselves. It is used as an internal quality control method to ensure that goods, materials, objects, and services meet the requirements in legislation, regulations, technical specifications and client contracts.
  2. Second Party Inspection - The client performs second party testing on the goods, materials, objects, and services to confirm that the agreed-upon standards and specifications are met. It is a quality control activity done by a vendor in its manufacturing shop.
  3. Third Party Inspection - It is clear from its name; the third party means that the manufacturer hires another organization who is well qualified and experienced. It is believed that Third-party inspection is money-saving because it avoids expensive errors, which may create a big problem for manufacturers.

How does ALEPH INDIA work as a Third Party?

ALEPH INDIA Conformity Assessment Scheme (Product Certification) as per ISO/IEC (17067). Here are the task Execution Strategies


  1. Identification of the specific requirement that is applicable to standard for inspection and testing as per the customer requirements.
  2. Planning for inspection and testing; sampling etc.


  1. Assessment of Conformity process/production process
  2. Verification of Company's in-house test facilities; testing equipment.
  3. Verification of Incharge of Quality personnel
  4. Inspection and testing of sample in company's premises
  5. Drawl of sample for independent Testing in third party laboratory (ISO/IEC 17025 Certified/Accredited)


Evaluation of evidence of Conformity with applicable standards through inspection results; test report from independent laboratory.


Decisions on the conformity of products/processes are applicable to the standards/specified requirements.


Testing is done from ISO/IEC 17025 Certified/Accredited


Issue of Certificate of Conformity


If required by customers

  • Market Surveillance
  • Factory Surveillance
  • Assessment audit of Factory Premises

Requirement of ISO/IEC 17020:2012

Conformity Assessment adopted by ALEPH INDIA

  1. Impartially, independence and Confidentiality
    ALEPH INDIA undertakes inspection activities impartially, and these are structured and managed in such a manner to safeguard impartiality. ALEPH INDIA does not allow commercial, financial, and other pressures to compromise impartiality. Also, when it is about sensitive information, ALEPH INDIA is equipped with ISO 27001 to keep the assets secure.
  2. Structural and Resource Requirements
    ALEPH INDIA is a legal entity, and the organization has defined the organization and management structure and has also specified the responsibility, authority, and interrelationship of all personnel. All personnel of ALEPH INDIA are competent to perform their job/assignment.
  3. Process and Management System Requirements
    Inspection methods and procedures are well established and based on types of Product Certification Scheme laid down in ISO/IEC 17067. Management system documentation, control of the document, records, Management reviews and audits, and other requirements are established and undertaken for each project.

Why is Third Party Inspection Important?

Third-party inspection plays a vital role in the following ways:

  1. Improve Product quality - Major requirement of third-party inspection is that it plays a major role in improving product quality. When manufacturer works with new suppliers, the risk of poor product quality rises.
  2. Easy Communication - The use of a Third Party Inspection allows suppliers and importers to communicate easily and comfortably. It is simpler to present quality criteria and request that vendors achieve the desired results.
  3. Avoid repeated product quality issues - Third-party inspection helps in avoiding the repeated product quality issues because third-party inspection personnel are well qualified. They can easily depict the problem and assist in what preventive measures can be taken.
  4. Remove Inefficacy - Third-party inspection also helps in removing the ineffectiveness by improving the quality and efficiency of the manufacturing process as well as the product. And also, check the working conditions to assure that it is safe and healthy to work in the industry.
  5. Transparency - A third-party inspection will provide an objective, independent report because they are not linked with the plant or your firm; that is why third-party inspection always delivers perfect and impartial results.

Therefore, third-party inspection is essential for every manufacturing company because it ensures the product quality and the proper working of the machinery and manufacturing process. It helps in running the process smoothly and efficiently.