20701 | 10 min | 25 Sep 2024


Trademark Registration: Trademark is any unique expression related to a product or service that distinguishes it from others. This expression could be a word, slogan, photograph, logo, graphic, colour combination, sound, or even fragrance (not in India); nevertheless, most companies are only interested in registering their brand name or logo. Trademark owners have exclusive rights to use their marks in the categories in which they are registered (there are a total of 45 categories, called classes). According to some laws, Trademark is considered a form of property.

Owners of trademarks can easily establish their title to the trademark in court and earn royalties if they register it. It also deters piracy and prohibits other businesses from registering similar company names. You can do a trademark search to see if your brand name is similar to one that already exists. You can get a TM in India in three days, but it can take up to two years to get it registered so you can use the ® sign.


A trademark is a sort of intellectual property that consists of a recognizable sign, design, or statement that distinguishes a particular source's products or services from those of others. Despite the fact that trademarks used to indicate services are commonly referred to as service marks. An individual, business organization or legal entity can be an owner of a Trademark. Trademark may carry the following symbols:

  1. ™ Trademark symbol used for an unregistered trademark.
  2. ℠ Servicemark is used to promote brand service.
  3. ® Trademark used for a registered trademark.


Trademark is divided into two categories which are as follows

  1. General trademark - General trademark is further divided into the following types
    • Generic Mark
    • Suggestive Mark
    • Descriptive Mark
    • Arbitrary Mark
    • Fanciful Mark
  2. Specific Trademark - Again specific trademark has the following types
    • Service Mark
    • Certification Mark
    • Collective Mark
    • Trade Dress
    • Trade Name
    • House Mark
    • Family of Marks
    • Sound Mark
    • Pattern Mark
    • Position Mark
    • Hologram Mark
    • Multimedia Mark
    • Motion Mark
    • Logotype


  1. Address proof and ID proof of the Individual or Proprietor in case of sole proprietor
  2. Udyog Aadhar Registration Certificate
  3. Copy of logo optional
  4. Signed form-48
  5. Partnership deed or Incorporation deed
  6. Address proof and ID proof of signatory in case of partnership/company/LLP
  7. PAN & Passport


  1. Choose Trademark - Trademark registration starts with the selection of the trademark; decide what trademark you will use; it must be a unique sign which will identify your goods or services. After choosing the trademark sign, do a search whether a chosen mark is similar to a registered trademark. This can be checked with the help of the online website of the controller general of patents, designs and trademarks.

  2. Submit Application Online/offline - Submit application with required documents both online as well as offline.

  3. Document verification - After filling the application, The Government officials will process and verify the trademark application and documents. If there is any objection, the applicant must submit it within 30 days.

  4. Grant of Trademark - At last, a trademark is granted.

Sample of a Grant Certificate for Trademark

Sample of Certificate


2-3 Days

frequently asked questions (FAQ)

    A trademark is essentially a characteristic of your brand. It could be your brand name, your brand's logo, or even your brand's slogan. For example, 'Nike', the 'Swoosh', or the slogan 'Just Do It'. In some cases, the brand's name and logo are combined into one, as in the case of BMW, or Coca-Cola. That is called a Logo Composite Mark.

      A trademark grants you commercial rights to sell a particular brand name in a certain sector of the economy. There are 45 sectors and each sector is called a class. For instance, Class 28 refers to Toys, Games, and Sports. So if you want to protect your toy brand, you need to make an application under Class 28 and get exclusive commercial rights, to sell your brand of toys under that class.

        If you have a certain brand name, or a logo, or a slogan in mind, we can do a trademark search for you. A simple way to do this yourself, is to just go online to the internet and check if there is a similar company with a similar name to yours, on the internet. You should also check if the domain name of your brand is available or not.

          No need to worry. If your trademark brand name is taken, you can prepare a Logo Composite Mark by combining your logo and your name, and apply as one. This is a common strategy used to apply for a trademark, even if the trade name itself has been taken.

            You need to give us a signed letter, allowing us to apply for your trademark. This is called an Authorisation Letter. Once an Authorisation Letter has been received, we prepare your documents, make the application for you online, and pay the necessary fees. Almost instantly, you get a confirmation of the application and you can start using the ™ symbol next to your name.

              The trademark registration application process is done almost instantly. It can be done within a few hours of you giving us your Authorization Letter. The Government, after we make the application, takes 18 to 24 months, to confirm the registration and give you the confirmed Registration Certificate for your trademark. You can then use the ® symbol next to your name.
              We are expert advisor & the best option for you when it comes to TM/LOGO/Trademark Registration in Delhi NCR. We take each & every case in a very professional manner & as we understand that TM is one of the biggest asset of your company/firm, our professional take it that way & support you in a very unique & transparent way. We are best in securing your brand name & your brand entity.