"Accurate Measurement offers good business, fair-trade and
Legal Metrology: It's been since ancient times the
weights and measurements have come into use, as we know weights and measurements
have played a very important role as everyday consumers, government traders, and
industries make decisions based on the measurement result. These measurements affect
both economic as well as individual well-being. The first accurate system of
standardized weights and measures (some as accurate as 1.6 mm) was developed by the
Indus Valley civilization, also known as the Harappan civilization. In December
1956, the Indian Parliament adopted the weights and measures within the Standards of
Weights and Measures Act, and its effective beginning started on 1 October 1985.
Almost every Indian is a consumer, whether they are
buying clothes, food, fuel or any other thing. Whenever we pay our utility bills, we
feel confident because we pay for what we have received, and measurements have made
this possible.
Metrology is the scientific study of measurement. Legal metrology helps in providing
standards for the control of measurements and measuring instruments. Legal metrology
at the same time safeguards public safety, the environment, customers, and
merchants, and it is essential for fair trade.
The sale or distribution of all packaged goods in India, such as export goods, food
items, and consumer products, requires a Legal Metrology Certificate from the
Metrology Department of Consumer Affairs, as per the Legal Metrology Act, 2009.
Due to the advancement of science & technology, there has been vast upgrading in
weighing and measuring techniques which have extended the scope of weights &
Legal Metrology (General) Rules, 2011 - It covers about 40 different
types of weighing and measuring devices, such as electronic weighing
instruments, weighbridges, fuel pumps, water meters, sphygmomanometers, clinical
thermometers, and so on. These weighing and measuring devices are checked on
regular basis by State Government personnel using the Standard Weights and
Measures and the process outlined in the Rules.
The Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011 - It regulates
the pre-packed commodities in India and mandates certain labelling requirements
prior to the commodity's sale. Under this rule, some certain declarations has to
be made on every package, which are as follows
Name and address of the Manufacturer/ Packer/ Importer
Country of origin in case of imported packages
Common or generic name of the commodity contained in the package
Net quantity, in terms of standard unit of weight or measure or number
Month and year of manufacture/ pack/ import
Retail sale price in the form of Maximum Retail Price (MRP) Rs...
Inclusive of all taxes
Consumer care details
The Legal Metrology (Approval of Models) Rules, 2011 - It's a rule
framed by the Central Government under the Legal Metrology Act 2009 to define
the standard measures or numbers and how the pre-packed goods shall bear the
affirmations and other particulars.
The Legal Metrology (National Standards) Rules, 2011 - It's a ruled
frame by the Central Government to define (i) the specifications of base units
of measures and base unit of mass, (ii) different standards, and (iii) times of
verification of the norms.
The Legal Metrology (Numeration) Rules, 2011 - This provision is made
for making numeration and how numbers should be written.
Indian Institute of Legal Metrology Rules, 2011 - Indian Institute of
Legal Metrology, Ranchi is the training institute for furnishing training in the
area of Legal Metrology to the Legal Metrology Officers of States/ UTs/ Union of
India, under the executive control of this department. Under these rules,
provisions regarding Courses to be communicated at the Institute, Obligatory
functions of the Institute, Qualifications of persons to be eligible for
admission in the Institute are specified.
The Legal Metrology (Government Approved test Centre) Rules, 2013 - The
Government Approved Test Centre (GATC) Rules govern the approval of GATCs
created by private individuals for the verification of certain weights and
measures by State Government Officers. The weights and measures specified under
these rules with regard to the verification by a GATC are:
Water meter,
Clinical Thermometer,
Automatic Rail Weighbridges,
Tape Measures,
Non-automatic weighing instrument of Accuracy Class-IIII/ Class-III
(upto 150kg),
Load cell,
Beam Scale,
Counter Machine
Weights of all Categories.
Any person who deals with weighing and measuring
instruments needs to register himself under legal metrology. It can be applied in 3
capacities which are as follows:
Registration of Company - Any company that deals in manufacturing,
importing, and packing weighs and measuring instruments are required to register
under legal metrology.
Registration of Importer - Any person who wants to export his weighing
and measuring instrument or sell in the Indian market first requires a
Certificate of Registration of Importer of weights and measuring instrument.
Only standard packed commodities can be imported to India. It covers the
registration of the Importer under the general rule, registration of the
importer and packer (Packaging and warehouse registration), and registration of
the company under legal metrology.
Registration of Manufacturer, Importer, and Packers (Packaging and
Warehouses) - For goods to be marketed in India, the particular company
must get a packaging and warehouse registration or renewal for product labels
that fall under the Legal Metrology Certification purview.
For products that pertain to weight & measurement like Weighing Machine fall
under the category of weight & measurement, need to take 5 stage registrations
from the LM department
Model Approval
Packaged Commodity Registration
Import License
Dealership License
Stamping of products
Sample of a Grant Certificate for Legal Metrology
A specific license is issued to the specific applicant
depending upon the type of business deal with. Types of licenses are as follows.
Manufacturer license - This license is issued to the manufacturer of
weights and measures. In order to get a license following process is followed:
Apply in the format appended (LM-1)
The application will first be available to the district nodal official,
who will simply forward it to the appropriate Local Senior
Inspector/Inspector (Legal Metrology Officer) based on the address of
the firm's location.
The local Senior Inspector/Inspector will inspect the applicant's
proposed premises and the required documents to determine the
applicant's manufacturing capability and capacity and prepare a report
and recommendation, which will be sent to the Controller (Licensing
Authority) through Divisional Assistant Controllers.
After reviewing the application, Local LMOs report, and documents, the
Assistant Controllers will transmit it to the Controller along with
their recommendations.
If there is a serious flaw in the application, the Local Inspector,
Asst. Controller or Controller may issue a query/objection, which will
be apparent to the applicant, who must remove it.
After reviewing the complete application and determining that it is
suitable for granting a License, the Controller may ask the applicant to
deposit the Rs. 500/- License fee in the appropriate HEAD OF ACCOUNTS.
The license would be issued in the prescribed format after the fee was
deposited and a copy was received in the Controller's office.
Photograph, Identity proof, and Address proof of the applicant.
Proof of the Date of Birth of the applicant.
Ownership or tenancy document of the proposed premises.
Partnership deed in case of partnership firms.
Affidavit to state that applicant would abide by the Legal provisions
and the directions issued by the Controller.
Affidavit to state that applicant had neither been punished by any
Court nor is any criminal proceeding pending in any Court.
Registration document of shop/establishment/municipal trade license, as
the case may be.
Copy of GST Registration.
Copy of PAN.
Repairer License - Repairer includes a person who cleans,
lubricates, adjusts, or paints any weight or measure.
Anyone interested in obtaining a license as a
weights and measures repairer needs to follow the following steps:
Apply in the format appended (LR-1)
The application will first be seen to the district nodal officer, who
will simply forward it to the appropriate Local Senior
Inspector/Inspector based on the address of the firm's location (Legal
Metrology Officer).
The applicant's planned premises and papers will be inspected by a
local senior inspector/inspector, who will create a report and send it
to the Assistant Controller (Licensing Authority with delegated powers)
together with the application and suggestion.
After reviewing the application, local LMO report, and documents and
determining a prima facie case to grant the license, the Assistant
Controller may appoint a three-member committee to examine and test the
applicant's capability and competence to repair the weights and
measures. The committee then prepares and submits its report to the
Assistant Controller.
If there is a serious flaw in the application, the Local Inspector or
Assistant Controller may issue a query/objection, which will be apparent
to the applicant, who must remove it.
After reviewing the application and determining that it is sufficient
for granting a license, the Assistant Controller may require the
applicant to deposit the License fee of Rs. 100/- in the relevant HEAD
The license will be issued in the appropriate format once the fee is
deposited and a copy of the fee is received in the Assistant
Controller's office.
The application for a repairing license for the entire state must be
sent to the Controller (Licensing authority) via the divisional
Assistant Controller.
Photograph, Identity, and Address proof of the applicant
Proof of the Date of Birth of the applicant
Ownership or tenancy document of the proposed premises
Partnership deed in case of partnership firms
Document regarding the qualification, in the case of electronic
weighing machines
Experience certificate
Affidavit to state that applicant would abide by the Legal provisions
and the directions issued by the Controller
Affidavit to state that applicant had neither been punished by any
Court nor is any criminal proceeding pending in any Court.
Registration document of shop/establishment/municipal trade license, as
the case may be.
List of Machinery and tools.
Copy of PAN
Legal metrology Dealer License - A dealer license is
issued to the person who deals in the trading and marketing of weights and
measures, and it falls under the State Legal Metrology (Enforcement) Rules,
2011. In case any importer wants to act as the dealer of the weights and
measures, he must obtain the dealer license in addition to the
importer/manufacturer license.
Apply in the format appended (LD-1)
The application will first be seen to the district nodal officer, who
will simply forward it to the appropriate Local Senior
Inspector/Inspector based on the address of the firm's location (Legal
Metrology Officer).
The local Senior Inspector/Inspector will investigate the applicant's
proposed premises and the papers, generate a report, and send it to the
Assistant Controller together with the application and suggestion
(Licensing Authority under delegated powers).
If there is a serious flaw in the application, the Local Inspector or
Assistant Controller may issue a query/objection, which will be apparent
to the applicant, who must remove it.
After reviewing the application and determining that it is suitable for
granting a license, the Assistant Controller may require the applicant
to deposit the License fee of 100/- in the relevant HEAD OF ACCOUNTS.
The license will be issued in the appropriate format once the fee is
deposited and a copy of the fee is received in the Assistant
Controller's office.
Photographs, Identity, and Address proof of the applicant/partners
Proof of the Date of Birth of applicant/partners
Ownership or tenancy document of the proposed premises
Partnership deed in case of partnership firms
Model approval certificate, granted by the Director, Legal Metrology,
Govt. of India, if required under Legal Metrology General Rules, 2011
with respect to the proposed weighing and measuring instrument.
NOC from pollution control Board
List of machinery and tools
Affidavit to state that applicant would adhere to the Legal provisions
and the directions issued by the Controller
Affidavit to state that applicant had neither been punished by any
Court nor is any criminal proceeding pending in any court.
Registration document of factory/shop/establishment/municipal trade
license, as the case may be.
Copy of GST Registration
Copy of PAN
PCR (Packaged Commodity Rule) 27 of Legal Metrology
PCR is applicable to food products, electronic
gadgets, consumer durable and non-durable goods. Any person who deals in pre-packing
of any commodity in a bottle, tin wrapper, etc., needs to register themselves under
rule 27 of Legal Metrology (Packed Commodity) Rules 2011 either from the Director of
Legal Metrology or Controller of Legal Metrology.
Packaging of commodity that contains quantity more than 25g or 25 litres.
Packaged commodities are meant for institutional consumers or industrial users.
Bags of cement, fertilizer, and agricultural farm goods weighing more than 50
kg are sold.
List of documents and information required for
applying for PCR importer license.
All Warehouse details
Product name and HSN code
Whether the shop/factory is located in a commercial area? if Yes, attach proof:
Whether the shop/factory/premises is owned/rented: *(if rented, please share
rent agreement)
NOC from landlord
Packing material / Slip /Sticker/ Label, which is being pasted on the packages.
Memorandum of Association of the Company, Partnership deed in respect of
Partnership firms. *
Import-Export Code. *
Two Photograph of all directors/partner
Company Address proof
All directors detail
Applicant residential proof
This Act came into force with the following
To regulate trade and commerce in weights and measurements.
To set and enforce the standards of weights and measurements.
To regulate the manufacturers, sale, and use of goods by weights, measure, or
To rationalize the Metric system.
The transparent and efficient legal metrology inspires
trade, industry, and consumers and brings a trustable environment to conduct
business. The main functions of Legal Metrology are as follows.
Protect consumers from unscrupulous traders.
Provide regulation for the control of measurements and measuring instruments.
Grant and renewal of licenses of manufacturers, repairers, and dealers of
weights and measures.
Verification and stamping of weighing and measuring instruments and collection
of verification fees.
Officials conduct surprise inspections, seizures, and raids to eliminate the
illegal and non-standards weights and measures.
It also implements the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011,
which require all packaged commodities and containers to have declarations
stating the composition of net weight, volume, length, maximum retail price, and
manufacture/packaging date, among other things.
Every year, all users of weights, measures, and measuring tools must have them
certified. All manufacturers, repairers, and dealers of weight and measures are
issued licenses by the Organization, which must be renewed annually.
Anyone who violates regulations 27 to 31 is subject to
a fine of four thousand rupees. If the breach is committed by a firm, each director
or person in control will be held accountable separately.
It is important to note that all 'pre-packed
commodities' must be registered under Rule 27. Despite the definition specified in
the Legal Metrology Act 2009, there is some ambiguity in how the term is
interpreted. Despite the fact that numerous High Courts and the Supreme Court have
attempted to interpret the term in various Judicial Precedents, firms/entities
continue to struggle to comply with the provisions of these Rules due to a lack of
frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Legal requirements for measurement and measuring instruments
The controller of the Legal Metrology Department grants the license. Application for a license should be submitted to the Inspector of Legal metrology, who will inspect the firm and forward the same to the Controller of Legal Metrology with recommendation for consideration.
It ensures the security and accuracy of weighing and measurements.
Every weight and measure used by traders are verified and stamped by the legal metrology department after proper verification and manufacturing are done as per the specifications and model laid down by the Government of India.
Legal Metrology has defined particular licenses and application procedures related to the weights and measuring instruments and devices. We can help you in obtaining the following license from the Legal Metrology department.
Manufacturer & Packer
Importer & Packer
We ALEPH INDIA assist manufacturers and importers of weighing and measuring instruments and devices to obtain licenses and approval for setting up their company and marking products.
No, the Department issues license to the manufacturer, dealer, and repairer of weights & measures for dealing in weighing & measuring instruments. The license is a must.
Packer can be any person or firm who pre-packs the commodity whether in tin, bottle, wrapper anything in units suitable for sale.
No, weights and measures cannot be sold or kept for use without verification and stamped.
No, a license issued or renewed under this Act is not saleable or transferable.
Yes, it is necessary to display every certificate of verification at a noticeable place in the premises where weights and measures are used.
If your business sells or distributes packaged goods in India, that includes consumer goods, you need to comply with legal metrology for packaged commodities defined under the Legal Metrology Act, 2011.
Our legal metrology team can assist your company in obtaining required registrations, renewing licenses, adhering to rules, and obtaining other relevant licenses. As a top Legal Metrology expert in Delhi and India, we are familiar with the government's protocols and can guide your company through the registration process and provide knowledge support. Our service scope includes PCR (Packaged commodity rule) 27 of legal metrology 2011, Model approval rule 15 of legal metrology 2011, testing and registration of all weight and measuring instruments.
We offer the following Management Systems and Product Certification:
PCR (Packaged commodity rule) 27 of legal metrology 2011, Model approval rule 15 of legal metrology 2011, testing and registration of all weight and measuring instruments.
BIS Certification, WPC ETA Approval, EPR ( E-Waste) FCC Certification & Testing, RoHS Certification &Testing, SAR Testing, CE Marking, REACH Testing &Certification.
QMS ISO 9001:2008 EMS ISO 14001:2004 OHSAS:18001:1999 ISMS ISO 27001
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Anything a person buys from food to cars, clothes to electronics, branded to unnamed products there is always a question that wanders in one’s...View More
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In the era of globalization, world trade is growing rapidly and henceforth, Manufacturing and Import/Export businesses are also growing drastically...View More
The Economy of India-the fastest developing economy on the globe with the capabilities that help it matches up with the biggest international...View More
Anything a person buys from food to cars, clothes to electronics, branded to unnamed products there is always a question that wanders in one’s...View More
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