BIS CERTIFICATION for Evaporative Air Coolers (desert Coolers) IS 3315

Published Date: November 11, 2024 4 min Read


IS 3315:2019 is an Indian Standard established by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for the certification of evaporative air coolers, commonly known as desert coolers, which are predominantly used in India’s hot and dry climate regions. The job of such a cooler is to allow hot air to pass through the water-soaked pads and therefore provides an environmentally friendly cooling process without any refrigerant. Foreign companies wishing to import products to India have to follow BIS standards to enter the Indian market easily.

Desert coolers have extensive use in homes, offices, and commercial establishments and are cost-effective as they provide cooling. Since it consumes less power and is suitable for use in a variety of indoor environments, its popularity is growing. BIS certification under ISI Mark certification means that these products meet Indian standards and hence, increase consumer confidence. BIS certification is mandatory for the import and sale of products in India. The online BIS process allows foreign manufacturers to obtain the necessary BIS license, ensuring smooth customs clearance through the QCO Order. Achieving the ISI mark strengthens the authenticity of the product and guarantees confirmation to BIS regarding quality and safety factors.


IS 3315:2019 is an evaporative air cooler standard. It prescribes the air capacity, construction, and performance of air coolers up to 250V, 50Hz AC. It gives the testing methods regarding safety and efficiency. The fact is also cleared that these air coolers shall not be operated if DBT - WBT is less than 3°C or RH exceeds 75%. In addition, it adheres to IS 3854:1997 for switches for similar appliances.

Key highlights

Product Name Evaporative Air Coolers (desert Coolers)
Applicable Indian Standard IS 3315:2019
Applicable Certification Scheme Product Certification Scheme (ISI Mark Scheme) Scheme 1
Applicable Mark: BIS Standard Mark (ISI Logo)
Compliance Requirement Mandatory
Quality Control Order Click here
Scope as per Standard This standard covers the air capacity, constructional features, performance requirements and methods of testing for evaporative air coolers suitable for rated voltage up to and including 250 V, 50 Hz. ac. These coolers are not suitable if difference between dry bulb temperature (DBT) and wet bulb temperature (WBT) is less than 3°C and humidity is over 75 percent.
Major Country of Import Countries with significant air cooler exports to India include China, the UAE, and several Southeast Asian nations.

Applicable Tests

Mandatory Tests:
  • General Running test
  • Protection against electric shock
  • High Voltage test
  • Insulation Resistance test
Optional Tests:
  • Material of body
  • Fan
isi mark


For Detailed Information about the Procedure for BIS ISI Certification, Visit :

Timeline for BIS Certification

The approximate timeline to obtain BIS certification for Evaporative Air Coolers (desert Coolers) IS 3315:2019 is as follows:

  • For Indian Manufacturers (Standard Timeframe – 30 days)
  • For Foreign Manufacturers (Standard Timeframe – 180 days)

Benefits of BIS Certification

BIS certification builds product credibility, strengthens customer trust, expands market access, and gives manufacturers a competitive edge.

Benefit Description
Access to the Indian Market BIS certification is required for many products, helping them enter and trade in the Indian market smoothly.
Compliance with Indian Standards It ensures products meet national safety and quality standards, supporting consistency and reliability.
Enhanced Product Credibility Certification shows quality assurance, helping products stand out in the market.
Increased Customer Trust Certified products are more trusted by consumers for their safety and performance.
Benefits for MSMEs Small and medium businesses gain an advantage and access to government contracts through BIS certification.


BIS certification is a valuable asset that supports quality and growth in the Indian market. ALEPH INDIA helps manufacturers achieve this important certification.

Aleph INDIA has been serving the industry as a single-window operator for all product regulatory compliance. We can assist importers or manufacturers in meeting all criteria for importing or selling a product in the Indian market.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What does IS 3315:2019 cover?  
Q2: Why is this standard essential?  
Q3: Who should obtain IS 3315:2019 certification?  
Q4: How does certification help manufacturers?  
Q5: What tests are included in the certification?  

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