BIS CERTIFICATION FOR Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances - Part 2 : Particular Requirements - Section 203 : Electric Call Bells and Buzzers for Indoor IS 302: Part 2: Section 203: 1994 & IS 302 Part 1

Published Date: October 05, 2024


IS 302: Part 2: Section 203: 1994 & IS 302 Part 1 (for General Requirements) are both an Indian standard for electric call bells and buzzers by BIS Certification. They are very essential products, not only in domestic buildings but also in offices and hospitals. These products are found in the market due to the increasing demand from the advancement of smart home technology There is a growing demand for electric call bells. Increased usage by manufacturers can be observed globally and domestically too. The need for reliable communication systems is definitely on the rise.

For Import and export purposes require BIS certification. The ISI mark is ensured through Indian standards compliance, a must for selling in India. Manufacturers can apply online for a BIS license, and thus it is necessary to know the fees for BIS certification as well as BIS customs clearance. This certification ensures both safety and quality so that consumers can trust these products.

Overview of IS 302

IS 302: Part 2: Section 203: 1994 the Indian standard for safety and performance requirements for inductive electric call bells and buzzers operated at 250 V AC or DC. It gives general safety and performance provisions, thereby superseding clauses of IS 302-1 (1979). Key terms used are "call bell": an instrument that rings a bell; and "buzzer": a device that produces sound by vibrating the armature. So, it allows end-users confidence and safety when using the device.

Key highlights

Product Name Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances - Part 2 : Particular Requirements - Section 203 : Electric Call Bells and Buzzers for Indoor
Applicable Indian Standard IS 302: Part 2: Section 203: 1994 & IS 302 Part 1
Applicable Certification Scheme Scheme I
Applicable Mark: BIS ISI Mark
Compliance Requirement Mandatory
Quality Control Order Click here
Scope as per Standard This standard covers the general and safety requirements for electrically operated call bells and buzzers for indoor use designed for connection to supplies at voltages not exceeding 250 V AC single phase 50 cIs or DC.
Major Country of Import China, along with various European countries.

Applicable Tests for IS 302

Mandatory Tests:
  1. Rating
  2. Classifications
  3. Marking
  4. Protection against access to live parts
  5. Starting Of Motor-Operated Appliances
  6. Power Input and Current
Optional Tests:
  1. Transient over voltages
  2. Overload protection of transformers and associated circuits
  3. Endurance
  4. Abnormal operation
  5. Stability and Mechanical hazards
isi mark


For Detailed Information about the Procedure for BIS ISI Certification, Visit :

Timeline for BIS Certification

The approximate timeline to obtain BIS certification Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances - Part 2 : Particular Requirements - Section 203 : Electric Call Bells and Buzzers for Indoor is as follows:

  • For Indian Manufacturers (Standard Timeframe – 30 days)
  • For Foreign Manufacturers (Standard Timeframe – 180 days)

Benefits of BIS Certification

BIS certification enhances product credibility, boosts consumer trust, expands market access, and provides a competitive edge for manufacturers.

Benefit Description
Access to the Indian Market BIS certification is mandatory for many products, enabling smooth entry and trade in the Indian market.
Compliance with Indian Standards Ensures adherence to national safety and quality standards, promoting uniformity and reliability.
Enhanced Product Credibility Certification signifies quality assurance, helping products stand out in a competitive landscape.
Increased Customer Trust Consumers are more likely to purchase certified products, knowing they meet rigorous safety and performance criteria.
Benefits for MSMEs Small and medium enterprises gain a competitive edge and access to government tenders through BIS certification.


BIS certification is a strategic asset that fosters quality assurance and market growth for businesses in India. ALEPH INDIA assists manufacturers in achieving this crucial verification.

For more updates and detailed procedures, stay connected with Aleph INDIA and ensure your products are always compliant and top-quality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. What is IS 302: Part 2: Section 203: 1994?  
Q 2. Why is BIS certification important for these devices?  
Q 3. What aspects does the standard cover?  
Q 4. Who needs to comply with this standard?  
Q 5. What are the consequences of non-compliance?  

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