BIS Certification for Vinyl Chloride Monomer IS 17442

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has made certification mandatory for Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) as per IS 17442:2020. VCM, a colourless gas with a mild pleasant odour, is volatile and highly flammable. Its tendency to polymerise rapidly when exposed to heat, air, light, catalysts, strong oxidisers and metals such as copper and aluminium presents significant fire and explosion risks.

VCM is a critical component in the production of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a widely used thermoplastic used in many industries. PVC is essential in the construction sector, healthcare, electrical industry and agriculture due to its versatility and durability. Additionally, VCM is crucial in the production of copolymer resins, which further adds to its industrial significance.

The global vinyl chloride monomer market was valued at over US$83.6 billion and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.7% from 2024 to 2032. As a result of this continued growth trajectory, sales are projected to reach US$27.03 billion by 2032, reflecting the critical role of VCM in the plastics industry.

IS 17442:2020

Given the importance of VCM, ensuring safe handling and environmentally friendly production practices is paramount. The IS 17442:2020 standard outlines comprehensive requirements for the manufacture of VCM, detailing its chemical and physical properties and the test methods to be employed. Compliance with these standards is critical to maintain safety and quality in the production and use of VCM.

Key highlights

Product Name Vinyl Chloride Monomer
Applicable Indian Standard IS 17442:2020
Applicable Certification Scheme Product Certification Scheme (ISI Mark Scheme) Scheme 1 - Schedule 2
Compliance Requirement Mandatory
QCO Link Quality Control Order
Scope as per Standard VCM is a critical component in the production of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a widely used thermoplastic used in many industries.
isi mark


For Detailed Information about the Procedure for BIS ISI Certification, Visit :

Timeline for BIS Certification for Vinyl Chloride Monomer

The approximate timeline to obtain BIS certification for Vinyl Chloride Monomer to use the ISI mark as per IS 17442:2020 is as follows

  • For Indian Manufacturers (Standard Timeframe – 30 days)
  • For Foreign Manufacturers (Standard Timeframe – 180 days)


Under the ISI Certification Scheme, the IS 17442:2020 standard mandates that all VCM produced, imported or exported to the Indian market must bear the ISI Mark. This certification ensures that VCM meets stringent safety and quality standards, thereby protecting consumers and the environment from hazards associated with improper handling and use. As a result, VCM cannot be legally marketed in India without the ISI mark, which reinforces the country's commitment to maintaining high standards in industrial safety and environmental protection.

In this landscape of evolving standards, Aleph INDIA stands as a leading BIS consultant in India, dedicated to assisting manufacturers and importers in obtaining BIS licenses for their products. With a commitment to excellence, Aleph INDIA ensures that your products not only meet but exceed the required quality benchmarks. Aleph INDIA has been serving the industry as a single-window operator for all product regulatory compliance. We can assist importers or manufacturers in meeting all criteria for importing or selling a product in the Indian market.

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