aleph India

BIS Certification Revolution: A Game-Changer for ASEAN Businesses

In a significant stride towards enhancing business processes in the ASEAN region, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has exciting news for its valued clients. The certification giant is not only reopening its application process but is also committed to swift approvals and a streamlined process. This move comes as a beacon of hope for businesses that have faced challenges and delays, reflecting BIS's proactive stance to address the concerns of its clients.

Swift Approvals and Renewals:

The heartening announcement includes the swift granting of licenses to those who have successfully undergone preliminary inspections. This proactive approach is a breakthrough for businesses in ASEAN countries, signifying a commitment to minimizing delays and challenges that have impacted the certification process.

Addressing Concerns:

BIS acknowledges the inconveniences faced by its clients and is actively working to rectify these issues. The reopening of the certification application process, renewals, and inclusions is a testament to BIS's dedication to ensuring a smoother experience for businesses in the ASEAN region. The concerns of clients are not going unnoticed, and BIS is taking tangible steps to alleviate them.

Resumption of Pending Applications:

For businesses eagerly awaiting the outcome of their certification applications and audits, there is good news on the horizon. BIS anticipates a speedy resumption of applications currently in the queue, providing much-needed relief to those in the midst of the certification process. This commitment to efficiency reflects BIS's understanding of the importance of timely approvals for businesses.

Commitment to Communication:

Clients can rest assured that BIS is committed to keeping them informed about further developments. The transparency in communication underscores BIS's dedication to building a partnership with its clients, ensuring they are well-informed at every stage of the certification process. This commitment fosters trust and collaboration between BIS and its valued clients.

Looking Ahead:

As BIS continues its mission to streamline the certification process for ASEAN countries, businesses can stay tuned for more good news. The ongoing efforts to enhance efficiency and address challenges demonstrate BIS's commitment to being a reliable partner for businesses seeking certification in the ASEAN region.


The BIS Certification updates for ASEAN countries mark a pivotal moment in the pursuit of efficient and timely certification processes. With a focus on swift approvals, addressing concerns, and maintaining transparent communication, BIS is shaping a positive trajectory for businesses in the ASEAN region. As we eagerly await further developments, the future looks promising for those navigating the certification landscape with BIS.