aleph India

Streamlining Compliance: New Registration Guidelines for Plastic Waste Managements

Enhancing Efficiency for Importers

In an effort to bolster efficiency and clarity within the realm of plastic waste management, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has issued a crucial notification regarding the registration of importers under the Plastic Waste Management (PWM) Rules, 2016, as amended.

Important Update: Registration for Importers

The CPCB has highlighted the necessity for importers to obtain registration from CPCB, SPCB, or PCC via the Centralized EPR Portal for Plastic Packaging. This directive ensures that all import consignments of plastic packaging or commodities with plastic packaging are compliant with the PWM Rules, 2016.

Key References and Communications

  • December 01, 2021: The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs was advised to ensure importers' registration.
  • March 24, 2023: Importers were allowed to clear consignments based on proof of application submission for registration.

Significant Amendments: One-Time Registration

As per the Sixth Amendment to the PWM Rules dated April 27, 2023, producers, importers, and brand owners (PIBOs) are granted one-time registration. This registration remains valid indefinitely, changing only at the request of the PIBOs. A notice issued on August 28, 2023, further reinforced that these registrations do not require renewal.

Addressing Importer Concerns

Despite these provisions, some import consignments are reportedly being delayed due to concerns over the validity of EPR certificates, causing economic disruptions. To alleviate these issues, it is requested that the concerned authorities recognize existing registration certificates, indicating a validity of one year, as "one-time Registration Certificates." This will ensure smooth clearance of import consignments.

Accessing Registration Status

Importers and authorities can view the registration status of PIBOs on the CPCB's EPR Plastic portal under the "PIBO Application Summary" section, providing transparency and ease of access.

Conclusion: A Step Towards Efficient Waste Management

These updated guidelines underscore the commitment of the CPCB to streamline compliance processes and support the smooth functioning of import activities. By embracing these changes, we can collectively contribute to more efficient and sustainable plastic waste management practices. For more information and to check your registration status, visit the [CPCB EPR Plastic Portal]( dashboard).